How Popular Are Ebikes in the Netherlands in 2023?

Ebikes, or electric bicycles, have been steadily gaining popularity in the Netherlands over the past few years. With their ease of use and environmental benefits, it’s no wonder that more and more Dutch people are choosing to switch from traditional bicycles to Ebikes.

But just how popular are Ebikes in the Netherlands? In this article, we will examine the factors contributing to their rise and explore their potential impact on transportation and mobility.

What is the trend in Ebikes sales in the Netherlands?

In 2023, sales in the Netherlands reached a new record. No less than 57% of the 855,000 newly sold bicycles were electric.

This is a significant increase from previous years and shows just how popular Ebikes have become in the country.

The total turnover from bicycle sales amounted to 1.252 billion euros. With a market share of 41.7 percent, the Ebike is now the most-sold type of bicycle in the Netherlands for the second year in a row. On average, consumers pay 2,067 euros for an Ebike.

The biggest Ebike category sold in the Netherlands are city-bikes with a market share of 85%.

How does the Netherlands compare to other European countries?

How Popular Are Ebikes in the Netherlands

But it’s not just in the Netherlands where Ebikes are gaining popularity. Compared to other European countries, the Netherlands is at the forefront when it comes to Ebike usage. However, Ebikes are also becoming increasingly popular in other European countries as well.

The leading countries in Europe for Ebike usage include Germany, France, and Italy. But the trends can be seen elsewhere as well, such as in Denmark and other Scandinavian countries.

The overall value of the European Ebike market is projected to grow between 13 and 16 percent year-on-year between 2022 and 2027.

Also Read:- Ebike Speed Hacks: How to Increase Ebike speed

What factors contribute to the popularity of Ebikes in the Netherlands?

There are several factors at play. For one, the Netherlands is known for its bike-friendly traffic rules and well-built lanes. This makes it easy and safe for people to ride their bikes, whether they are traditional bicycles or Ebikes.

In addition to this, there are also many health benefits associated with riding an Ebike. Ebikes provide a low-impact form of exercise that is easy on the joints and can help improve cardiovascular health.

And with pedal-assisted bikes available at a low buying cost and various pedal modes to choose from, it’s easy for people to find an Ebike that suits their needs.

Moreover, the Ebike is the largest category in the Netherlands, with a significant market share.


The popularity of Ebikes in the Netherlands is showing no signs of slowing down. With their ease of use, environmental benefits, and numerous other advantages, it’s clear that Ebikes are here to stay.

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